Debt Restructuring
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Restructuring Process
If the company has a variable business and the ability to continue to trade, the difficualites the company faces are temparory, instead of liquidating and deregistering the company, the company can reach an agreement with its creditors. Under the agreement creditors agree to the Company repaying part of the debts and waive the remaining to allow the company continue to trade.

How is a DOC Put in Place?
Your real property form part of your Bankrupt Estate and must be realised by your Trustee. However, if possible we will realise your real property in such a manner that allows your family to keep and stay in your family home. The two most common methods are:
1. DOCA maximises the chances for a company to continue to exist while providing a better return for creditors
2. Directors get a mortarium on creditor action during the initial voluntary administration phase.
3. DOCA allows business to rehabilitate.
4. Employees keep their job; creditors keep a customer; landlords keep a tenant; shareholders retain value